Bulimia nervosa is a serious medical disorder that is potentially life-threatening. People with bulimia tend to eat large amounts of food at once, out of control. And then throw out the food by either self-induced vomiting or misusing laxatives or weight-loss supplements after bingeing. This is to get rid of the excessive calorie intake to prevent weight gain.
Common Symptoms of Bulimia Nervosa
There are many symptoms to know whether you or someone you love have bulimia nervosa:
- Always being preoccupied with your body weight and shape.
- Always living in fear of weight gain.
- Eating abnormally large amounts of food in one go, regularly.
- Having the feeling of losing control over yourself while bingeing, as if you cannot control what you eat or how much you eat.
- Forcefully vomiting out excess food after binge eating or over-exercising yourself to keep from gaining much weight.
- Using nonprescribed laxatives, diuretics, or enemas after every meal.
Risks Regarding Bulimia
Rather than boys or men, girls or women are more likely to have bulimia nervosa, which is seen mostly during teenage years or early adulthood. Factors to give increase to such a disorder are:
There is a high chance of contracting this disorder if you have a first-degree relative with such problems.
Psychological or emotional problems like depression or anxiety may cause bulimia. Sometimes, traumatic events or environmental stress may also contribute to the factors.
People who already diet have a higher rate of contracting bulimia. This may trigger binge eating, which in turn causes stress.
How To Know If Someone Has Bulimia Nervosa?
People with bulimia usually have normal weight or are slightly overweight, which causes difficulty in identifying them. If you know someone you love has bulimia, sit and have an open and honest conversation with them to learn more about their situation.
Some red flags that family and friends may notice are:
- Constantly complaining about gaining weight
- Having a negative image about their body
- Repeatedly eating large amounts of food in one go
- Strict dieting and fasting after bingeing
- Refusing to eat in front of people
How To Prevent Bulimia?
There is no foolproof method of preventing bulimia nervosa, but you may steer yourself or someone else to a better and healthier lifestyle. Consult with doctors and experts and impart positivity about body image to reduce this.Â
Dr. Jeanne V. Devi, DDS, offers you expert treatment for bulimia nervosa in Pasadena, California. Call us at (626) 795-2544 or visit our website to schedule appointments and know more about it from our experts. We are located at 595 E Colorado Blvd Suite 603, Pasadena, CA 91101.